About Tammy Brewer

As co-workers, we collaborate and support each other. We encourage creativity, and use our strengths and differences to enhance the work that we do.

Tammy Brewer, Chief Financial Officer, has primary responsibility for the planning, implementation, managing and running of all financial activities for Child Focus. Tammy is the Strategic Planning Quadrant Leader for Finance and is responsible for establishing annual financial initiatives, goals, objectives, benchmarks and KPI’s. Tammy is a tenured finance professional with extensive financial management experience including business planning, budgeting, forecasting, contract negotiations, asset management, investment, compliance, financial reporting and record keeping. Prior to joining Child Focus in 2008, Tammy brought 20 years of experience in finance and accounting, most recently in the private, for-profit sector as a financial analyst for SVP Worldwide, where her responsibilities included combining the financial systems data from 31 international companies into one data warehouse. She worked as a staff accountant for 10 years between 2 private local companies and was an internal auditor for bigg’s Hypermarket 10-location chain. tbrewer@child-focus.org