COVID-19 Update

COVID-19 Update

Calendar-IconMarch 12, 2020

As news of COVID-19 continues to evolve, we want to communicate our thoughtful evaluation of our response to  COVID-19 affecting our community.  First and foremost the health and safety of every staff, child and client is of the utmost importance, therefore we should continue to take all necessary prevention measures to minimize the spread of contagious illness.  At this time Child Focus has no plans for closing any of our sites, however per the Governor, all Ohio schools will close for 3 weeks beginning on Tuesday 3/17/2020, including our Child Focus Head Start and Extended Day programs.  Child Focus Behavioral Health services will continue through office visits, telephone and secure video telehealth services.  If utilizing telehealth services, please complete the Telehealth Informed Consent form available on our website home page.  Please email this form to: