
Blog Entries - Nov. 2023

Planning for Successful School Holiday Breaks

A child standing in front of a Christmas tree. The text reads, "Planning for Successful School Holiday Breaks"
Calendar-IconNovember 20, 2023  |  Family Bonding, Holiday Breaks, Quality Time

School holiday breaks are a time that children look forward to all year round. Winter break is a time of year when children can relax, recuperate, and take time to enjoy their families. These breaks also give children a chance to academically reset and step away from the stress of schoolwork. 

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Navigating Setbacks and Relapses

A woman looking down with her back against a wall. The text reads, "Navigating Setbacks and Relapses"

On the road to recovery and a brighter future, there may be setbacks and relapses. But stumbles and mistakes do not mean that we have failed, instead they represent a chance to reflect on our goals and identify areas of change and improvement. 

This is especially true for people working to recover from substance use disorders. Alcohol and other drugs often have a powerful hold over us and removing them from our lives can be a serious challenge

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