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Behavioral Health Techniques that Help Children Focus at School

A young girl smiling and holding a tablet text reads Behavioral health techniques that help children focus at school

Behavioral health plays a significant role in a child's education. Various behavioral issues, such as attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), oppositional defiant disorder (ODD), or conduct disorder, can hinder a child's learning and academic progress. 

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A Single Parent’s Guide to Success

A Single Parent’s Guide to Success
Calendar-IconJuly 15, 2024  |  Single Parenting, Success in Parenting

Being a single parent is anything but easy. Single parents must cover many different areas of need and development for their children. This can feel like a juggling routine, as you drop one child off at soccer practice, the other needs to be picked up from the sitter, and you still need to go to the grocery store. The cycle can wear single parents down leaving them feeling overwhelmed and exhausted which can lead to burnout.  

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Parent Enrichment & Employment Programs

A young girl sitting the shoulders of her father text reads parent enrichment and employment programs

Parents often find it hard to focus on themselves and their needs when raising kids. While their children will always come first, it is worthwhile to spend time improving parental enrichment and employment skills.

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The Challenge of Keeping Kids Active Over Summer

The Challenge of Keeping Kids Active Over Summer

For kids, summer is the best time of year. It is a chance to escape from the constant pressures of schoolwork and enjoy their time exploring their passions independently. However, this can sometimes cause problems, as extended periods away from structured physical, academic, and social stimuli can hamper their development.  

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Job Opening: Infant and Early Childhood Mental Health Therapist

Job Opening: Infant and Early Childhood Mental Health Therapist

Strong mental health for young children is more important today than ever before. Our children are under a constant barrage of information and stimuli, and there is rarely an opportunity for separation from the surrounding world. This creates a strain on the children growing up in the digital age. 

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Co-Parenting Survival Guide

Co-Parenting Survival Guide
Calendar-IconMay 20, 2024  |  Child Focus, Co-Parenting, Communication

Adapting to new relationships is never easy, especially when there is a child involved. Co-parenting dynamics have evolved over the last several decades and today there are many ways to raise a child, even if both parents do not live in the same house. From situations like divorce and pregnancy outside of a relationship to surrogacy and raising children with the help of family members, there are many ways to co-parent in the twenty-first century.  

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